Monthly Archives: June 2016

  • Happy Fathers Day to Garrett and James and all of the fathers in our WLG families!
  • Fun gathering at our home today to celebrate…lively conversations :)
  • GPa appreciating phone calls from family
  • Happy Birthday David!
  • We shall not cease from exploration
  • And the end of all our exploring
  • Will be to arrive where we started
  • And know the place for the first time.
  • T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

  1. Smiling
  2.  The man who gave us his parking spot and his full-day parking ticket
  3.  Having the opportunity to pay it forward
  4.  Walking in a postcard scene
  5.  Gambling on restaurants and coming out 2 for 2
  6.  Feeling healthy
  7.  Steering my mind right
  8.  Stellar service
  9.  New adventures in old familiar places
  10.  Moving onward

Gratitudes June 12-18, 2016

  1. Sun June 12: Pleasant afternoon, good conversation with family, necessary errands completed, bed early.
  2. Mon June 13 Thank you God for helping me get thru this very busy day!
  3. Tues June 14 Thank you God for helping me get thru this 14 hr day
  4. Weds June 15 Another busy day and I’m grateful to have it behind me
  5. Thurs June 16 Very strenuous 10 hr day and I am grateful to have the help to get thru it.
  6. Fri June 17: Busy and productive day outside, much friendly help from co-workers, good chat with boss, realization about my projections upon him, good meals, good p.t. session, bed early.
  7. Sat June 18: well rested, productive shopping trip, helpful info on internet, good meals, beautiful sunny day, necessary household chores accomplished.

1.  Having company for a routine that you normally do alone

2. Remembering to “hit the reset button” on a bad start

3. Safe travel

4. Discovering a new favorite place

5. Squeezing  sand on the beach

6. Naps

7. Cool charge in the air when fog visibly rolls in

8. After-shower feeling

9. Good timing

10. Making a long weekend

  • 39 degrees this morning…GPa says it must be that global warming :)
  • Love it when it’s still daylight at 10p.m. and at 4a.m.
  • “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it “
  • Briefly watching a 1927 silent movie…interesting :)
  • Sarah Calhoun, founder of Red Ants Pants…
  • …google Red Ants Pants Festival….fun in WSS, MT !
  • One of the happiest moments is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.
  • So grateful for each one of you at We Love Gratitude!

Saying goodbye

Lots of funerals this Summer. Not much fun about them except in the name.

But I am grateful to have known the friends and family we have lost.

Laughter at an open house-grandson says if Grandpa is lost find him.

How do you want to be remembered? Thought provoking question

Saying goodbye by replacing sadness with memories

Saying goodbye through the comforting words of a spiritual nature

Our minister does wonderful eulogies

Grateful for the music

Cleansing tears

A funeral luncheon Lots of work but many hands make it light!

Goodbye Ron See you on the other side!


  1.  Teamwork
  2.  Getting outside yourself
  3.  When the underdog wins
  4.  Discovering something cool and unexpected
  5.  Weekend getaways
  6.  Meals that make you feel nourished
  7.  Sleeping in
  8.  Being prepared
  9.  Good timing
  10.  Restoring balance


The power of an approaching storm

The flash and the rolling thunder

I am safe I am dry

The parched grass waits for the rain . Here it is!

The sound of rain on the window

A blast of cool wind

Rain drumming make me want to return to bed

I love storms!




  1. Walking with more humility
  2.  Seeing with more compassion
  3.  Behaving with more patience
  4.  Breathing more deliberately
  5.  Judging myself and others a little bit less
  6.  Believing in life a little bit more
  7.  Inviting negative thoughts in less
  8.  Moving with mindfulness more