Monthly Archives: August 2016


Grateful for the Irish father and son that attended Laughing Club last week

Grateful the daughter’s dog ‘s surgery went well. While just oral ,anesthesia is a risk

Can you imagine he wanted to play ball even with a sore mouth?

Collecting gently used jewelry to be resold for a good cause.

Hubby is eating well and his blood sugar reflects it

A fifty cent frosty from Wendys

Jimmy Dean Breakfast frittata

Christmas in August today

Storms predicted last night but all is well



There is a sense that things are coming. Notes in my inbox , messages on the phone.

Summer is ending and September is coming.

Grateful the air conditioner made it through the worst of it.Grateful for the fan a friend lent me. Grateful for the cooler evenings.

Women’s retreat a month away. It is coming together.

Looking forward to being there.

Stopping at the Nat just to weigh myself.

A promise I will be back .

Choir starts soon. Grateful for a choir at my level.

Local peaches. You have to wait for them to ripen but so worth it.

Waiting for the coffee in the morning. Listening to it murmurs and sighs!

Expect a miracle today!


Visions and envisioning

Committees that work

Planning and plans

Crisp cool morning

A good nights sleep

I can see!

Hubby responding to medicine

Pharmacy coverage so that expensive medicine is affordable

An “I love you” waiting for me in my messages

Gratitudes Aug 14-20, 2016

  1. Sun Aug 14, Cooking and baking projects completed, opportunity to be of service to others this morning, productive day at home, good conversations with family and friends, good meals.
  2. Mon Aug 15, thank God for getting me thru this busy day
  3. Tues Aug 16, thank God for getting me thru another busy day
  4. Weds, Aug 17, work on time, progress at work, good meals, bed early.
  5. Thurs Aug 18, work  on time, much progress at work, over the top afternoon, good meals, stretching, inspiring sermon on internet, bed early.
  6. Fri Aug 19, progress at work, helpful conversations with co-workers and boss, good meals, opportunity for stretching and bed early.
  7. Sat Aug 20, well rested, progress at work, helpful conversations with co-workers, good meals, inspiring reading, opportunity for stretching and bed early.

Busy Day

Weekends are for resting. No way! Super busy day! As I reflect on the day-

I find I am grateful to Dennis who hosts Laughing Club with me. He chides me, applauds me and is very patient with me. A laughing friend is a friend forever!

Grateful whenever Carol can attend. She brings sunshine with her.

The Cuyahoga Falls Library who provides a room for Laughing Club.

The laughers and the laughter

Calling hours and a funeral. I am grateful for the chance  to pay my respects to an older member of our congregation. I am thankful our minister does such a personal eulogy.

The rummage sale. Grateful for the people who donated sorted and priced it. Now I will  choose a treasure.

Grateful for Marc’s where we can pick up a few things today.(Bet we’ll spend $50)

Grateful for the diabetic cookbooks a friend gave me.

Perhaps a stop at the Nat. Grateful to have this recreation center right down the street from us.

Busy day but staying grateful!

Accepting the trade-off

Very Grateful for:

God’s expansiveness
The half-dark/half-light sky of almost dawn
A deep breath that expands my chest
The sweet scent right before rain
Time to hold Dad’s hand
Remembering a password
Accepting the trade-off that some noise (office, traffic, chatter) is necessary in order to return to calm silence

“It was all so far away–there was quiet and an untouched feel to the country and I could work as I pleased.” Georgia O’Keeffe

  • God’s guidance for travel
  • David and his Dad working on his truck together…cherish these rare moments
  • Good dental checkup
  • Travis installing GPa’s new computer
  • Food grade hydrogen peroxide
  • Yup…those old western movies :)
  • Especially good watermelon
  • Awesome buffalo
  • David loving to jet ski :)


Grateful for new medicines for hubby

A new way of eating (not a choice this time)

Finding we were doing some things right

Grateful that things didn’t get worse when we doing things wrong

That the rummage sale will soon be over (lots of work)

Friday will be the most intense day

That I am not in charge of the rummage sale

How the rain made things green again

Cooler weather made me feel better. I’m looking forward to those lows in the 50’s.



Very Grateful for:

God’s opportunities

The opportunity to return to speaking to teachers

The opportunity to return to beautiful, beautiful Santa Fe

Smart pilots, flight attendants, gate personnel, even with delays, ease of travel

The opportunity to return to the Georgia O’Keeffe museum

Learning that O’Keeffe first saw the wide landscapes of Santa Fe in 1929 when her train stopped abruptly and needed repair

Wondering how many opportunities are birthed from what seems like inconvenience

My Vine : The historic square in Santa Fe

And…the teachers who made the visit possible!

Psalm 13:6 (MSG) “I’m singing at the top of my lungs, I’m so full of answered prayers.”  


  • I am grateful for the most beautiful sunset over the river last night.
  • Grateful for the new fishing spot so close to home.
  • Grateful for LB always checking in on me.
  • Grateful for the rain today.
  • Grateful that Maia is such a grateful 11 year old.
  • Grateful for my new office space.
  • Grateful for today.