Monthly Archives: November 2016

  1.  I woke up this morning
  2.  Friends who inspire
  3.  Literacy
  4.  Preservation of history
  5.  Reality checks, even the painful ones
  6.  New old ideas
  7.  Challenging myself to be more devoted to justice than to order
  8.  Striving to prize the presence of justice over the absence of tension
  9.  Working to deepen my understanding
  10.  “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”  ~Dr. King, Letter From Birmingham Jail, 1963

Looking at snow

73 on Friday then snow!

I saw flakes as I hurriedly took my daughter to work.

Thank goodness her Check Engine repair was covered under warranty. (50,000 mile warranty she was 49, 600!)

The surprise of looking out in the evening to see a snow covered world.

Sad to see Fall turn into Winter but the next six weeks are so exciting.

A Facebook video of a toddler so excited to touch it. She experienced it as a child does, touching,forming it into a ball, in absolute wonder.

My Thanksgiving sweater will not be too warm for Church. Sadly it isn’t going on vacation.

The snow has melted on the walks and street. Safe walking!

Snow,snow stay away as were flying wednesday!


Gratitudes Nov 13-19, 2016

  1. Sun Nov 13, well rested, good meeting, progress at work, conversation with boss, pleasant walk to and from work, life is good.
  2. Mon Nov 14, well rested, work progress, sunny walks to and from work, good lab results from dr.
  3. Tue Nov 15, well rested, work progress, pleasant walks to and from work, good dr. visit, good meals.
  4. Wed Nov 16, cheerful help from co-workers, long productive day at work.
  5. Thur Nov 17, pleasant walks to and from work, conversations with co-workers, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work, inspiring music on internet.
  6. Fri Nov 18, early to work, helpful consultation, good walks, good meals, progress at work.
  7. Sat Nov 19, well rested, good meals, good walks, conversations with friends and co-worker, progress at work.

1. God
2. Pith
3. Hold
4. Falling leaves and composting
5. The blind lady with her dog in the supermarket (as opposed to a sad heart)
6. The bear playing the double bass
7. The wooden toy of the bears ice fishing
8. Kind words from Jane, also listening as she makes her decision


1.Being real without fear of judgement

2.Being a blessing

3.Being healthy

4.Being honest even when it’s hard

5.Being outside on a warm November day

6.Being content

7.Being a friend

8.Being loved

9.Being love

10.Being a work in progress

Grateful and Blessed

Busy week . Much to do! Much done! I will continue to go step by step.

The Outreach team is making a Christmas for forty families.

Bless those who are contacting the families.

Grateful to those members who are adopting families.

Looking forward to the night we disperse the food and gits.

Every shut in will receive a stocking with goodies.They love the Christmas card from the Church.

Two baskets of fleece will become a hundred knotted blankets.

So much going on at Church in December. Every week has a significant event.

Honored to be a part of everything. Grateful for dependable workers and generous people.

But first, I bow my head in prayer and say thank you for the blessings in my life and the opportunity to be with family next week.

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Leggings (I said I was too old but planning on wearing them Thanksgiving is giving me great joy.)

Finding the perfect blouse to go with them in my closet.

A good conversation with friend to make sure I’m fashionable

The anticipation of the surprise of coming down in them.

This whole trip has been a leap of faith.

Thank you for the extra money that has been appearing.

Thank you for the friends who are making it happen.

Grateful I took the risk.

Grateful to that inner child in me.

Grateful for the buoyant spirit.

Giggles and smiles!


1. God
2. Varieties of dogs
3. Untied tongues
4. Clock tower
5. Retreaded stairs worth the wait and increasing the light
6. Surprise flowers of November
7. Black 0
“I’ve never found it easy to write. Period. I mean, I don’t want to whine about it or anything but…it’s a bitch! It’s terrible work. I’m very disciplined in that I can settle down into the work situation but coming up with the words is very hard. Hard on the heart, hard on the head and it just drives you mad. Before you know it, you’re crawling across the carpet in your underwear trying to find a rhyme for ‘orange’. It’s a terrible, cruel job. But I’m not complaining.” Leonard Cohen

Middle of the night musings

Awake in the night. Quiet time. Time to get some things done.

Thank you notes online.

Get well wishes also online.

Meeting reminder and Church info sent . Check. As we begin to get ready to serve families at Christmas it is a giving time.

My confidence that people will respond if you tell them what you need.

Supermoon visible this morning and tonight. It was big!

Confused cats watching me. Is it morning already?

4 a.m snack! (Birthday lasanga)

Turning the heat up a notch and our ancient furnace responds.

So glad that I do not have plans tonight as I will be tired but satisfied as I crawl back into bed for an hours rest.