Monthly Archives: November 2016


1. Mondays ~ I like them!

2. Sugaree and Molly, who bring endless joy to my life

3. Truth

4. Curt’s wisdom

5. Being kind

6. Thankful messages

7. A friendly reminder to practice self-care

8. Positive change

9. Discernment

10. Taking pictures


For my birthday I didn’t expect fireworks and surprises. By expecting humbly, I was moved to tears and laughter by the greetings and sentiments expressed.

Two grand children singing Happy Birthday.

One hubby who doesn’t sing, singing it. Why? He said because you’re worth it!

A card in the mail.

New clothes as a present. Chosen by me.

The anticipation of vacation at Thanksgiving where I’ll have new clothes.

Meg coming over for dinner and games.

Steak,mashed potatoes and spinach salad. Yum!

Game included a map of U.S. I said I got greetings from here and here and here.

A piece of coconut cream pie at 10 p.m.


Gratitudes Nov 6-12, 2016

  1. Sun Nov 6, well rested, good meeting, productive shopping trip, progress at work, cheerful help from retail workers, opportunity to stretch and get to bed early.
  2. Mon Nov 7, well rested, good meals, progress at work, sunny day, nice walk to and from work.
  3. Tue Nov 8, well rested, early to class, progress at work, conversations with co-workers, good meals, pleasant walk to and from work, helpful info on internet from Sarah Ballantyne
  4. Wed Nov 9, well rested, progress at work, cheerful help from co-workers, obtained internet at home.
  5. Thur Nov 10, well rested, pleasant walk to and from work, lunch outside, progress at work, made necessary appointments.
  6. Fri Nov 11, well rested, helpful visits to eye dr. and dentist, good meals, progress at work, pleasant walk to and from work, helpful advice.
  7. Sat Nov 12, well rested, pleasant walk to and form work, progress at work, conversation with friend, bed early.

1. God
2. Unheard songs
3. Radio waves
4. Sitting
5. Walking
6. Wobbling
“I saw a man, a beggar leaning on his crutch
He said to me “Why do you ask for so much?”
There was a woman leaning in the door
She said, “Why not, why not, why not, why not ask for more?”
from “Bird on the Wire,” by Leonard Cohen, as sung by Judy Collins

Big questions- Overwhelming Gratitude

How is it I am here? What is my path? Have I helped anyone along the way? Have I left a legacy?What do I need?!

Birthdays bring introspection. Good to realize how fortunate I am to be alive.

Seeing patterns in my life that show I’ve followed the course.

Birthday wishes

Birthday blessings

Birthday cards and laptop wishes.

Choir sings to me

Hubby sings Happy Birthday before he even gets up.

Laughter and gratitude.

Phone calls. Catch me if you can!

Happy Birthday to M.E.!


1. God
2. Values
3. Quantities
4. Qualities
5. Carpet of leaves
6. Air is abstract, sidewalks are concrete (though sometimes brick or asphalt)
7. Beautiful days strung together (by clouds?)
8. Sun rising and sun setting
9. Nothing new under the sun (Hardly)

Jack is back

My brother-in-law Jack was ill over the weekend.

Grateful for the ER.

Grateful for the paramedics when he needed to go back.

Grateful for the doctors who diagnosed him.

Amazing that a pacemaker is considered minor surgery now.

Grateful to Vanessa who was taking care of Jack and her mother who had been in the hospital too.

When confusion becomes clarity. He worried us so when he couldn’t remember recent events or details he should know.

Not a stroke or Prealzheimers or a heart attack.

So glad to hear he was alert and wisecracking.

Get well soon Jack!


In God We Trust

Trust in God

Trust in the system

Dealing with a family members illness and trusting all will be well.

Handling a Church confrontation and picturing a good outcome.

Grateful for the frustration that keeps me energized

Nothing is different today except for a decision.

So I will embrace today, armed with prayer.