Monthly Archives: June 2017

The First 100-degree day

Very Grateful for:

God’s seasons

Our first 100-degree day … and I was working inside!

ice cubes

air conditioners

laughing really hard

zucchini spiral “noodles”

Honey Turmeric Chicken:

Not getting the nod for one job … and then getting an email about another one

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive ~Marcus Aurelius


One o’clock grateful!

I usually post first thing in the morning but today I’m clearing my brain before a nap.

Now I lay me down to sleep. I thank the Lord for all my peeps. In His power safely keep, all those I love so deep. Bring happiness to those who weep. Those who struggle may the hill not be steep. Watch over me as I sleep. Amen!

Grateful for a lazy day!

Give me strength for tomorrow!

Move over catit’s blissful nap time!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Steve Harvey on the Family Feud.  I love him.  He can make me laugh and laugh and laugh. 

Good plans to start losing weight.

The beautiful tree in front of my picture window that gives us shade.


Good coffee.

My dog, Jax, who has the sweetest face and my cat, Skeeter, who is quite the vocal cat.

My mother-in-law, whom I have known longer than my own mother.  I have known her almost 28 years to the 22 1/2 years I had my mother

My job.

The work week going fast.  My mother always told me not to wish my life away back in school but I love my weekends off…..yes I know I just got back from vacation LOL. 



New day

A good night’s sleep. Room temperature was just right.

Sleeping in. Starting slow. Baby steps.

Texting my son for his birthday. His ” Thanks!Love ya” back.

Itchy patches must be poison ivy not shingles. Time will tell. Time will heal.

Hydrocortisone cream and benadryl.

Car is cleaned out . Today clean out the  bathrooms.

Going to paper upstairs one. Found a shower curtain. Ordered a decoration for the wall.

I’m anticipating a trip to the wallpaper store where clearance is $3 a roll.

This precious time off. Not what I pictured but what I need. Keep calm and enjoy!


Tuesday Observations

Grateful for Hubby who puts up with me.

Feeling frustrated but knowing that it will be OK.

Root beer floats.

Grateful for air conditioning.


Day off! Go for gusto? Go for mundane? Perhaps I can find a blend.

Working a decluttering regime.Tackle a little every day. Today is the car.

Meeting tonight will be fun. I crave laughter.

So many flowers this  year. I love to sit on the porch.

Heliotrope came back to life when it was so withered. I feel like that! I need water and rest and I will revive.




90 degree day in Northeast Ohio…grateful for air conditioning at work and overhead fans at home. So hot. Blessings and protection for those without cool today. Grateful to go to work and grateful to leave. Grateful for my husband.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Although it was a busy first day back to work, it went quickly and I am grateful for my job.

Getting home earlier as I am working someone else’s shift while they are on vacation. 


My Church.

A nice couch to put my sour feet up on.

My son, as always.

Love from family and friends.


Good food.

Thorns, Pancakes, and Hugs

Very Grateful for:

God’s care for all of us

Amelia, taking Ruby to the vet for me

Ruby, not knowing why she is stiff in her spine, and being brave anyway. (How does a dog know and understand pain?)

Amelia, coming to work with me on her last day at home

air conditioning in the hot office

cool water

Finding out that Rachel was unharmed when her car was burglarized.

Pancakes, even a small one for Ruby

Dad’s hugs

“Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.” ~Voltaire


Family thoughts

Grateful for family near, able to see them regularly and keep in touch. Occasionally worship with them. Spending time with grandkids. Enjoying our in-laws. Grateful for family far, invited to retirement parties now (instead of weddings and baby showers) that remember and love us. Grateful for family gone, a good upbringing and good memories. Remembering Mousie, Grandpa Bill and Chester. Grateful for overhead fans and washer/dryers. Grateful for Jesus, who loves me all the way to redemption and beyond.