Thursday, July 6, and Friday July 7, 2017

The work on the house will take longer than originally projected and cost a little more but it is going to be okay.
Nice men who answer my questions about this process.
My pets being pretty good about staying in the bedroom short periods of time during the past couple days.
God watching over me during this time.
My Bible and Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous to go to if needed.
Beautiful weather after the rain the other night.
Going to Subway with my son on Thursday.  Time with him, however short, is always good.
Sobriety, with which I probably would not have remained as patient as I have.  
Getting to the chiropractor yesterday, although I am feeling a bit sore from the adjustments this morning.  
My cat, although waking me up at 4:00 a.m. yesterday and not really letting me sleep much after that chose to wait until 4:30 a.m. this morning and did let me get back to sleep for a couple more hours. 
The sweet look on my dog’s face as he crawled up near me in bed this morning as if to say, “mama, I am ready to get up.”  He is such a dear. 
The porta potty they delivered so I can go to the bathroom at any time and in the wee hours of the morning. ;)   I can shower next door thankfully. 
That even though this vacation is flying like usual, at least I have it.  I may have to be back to work before the whole job is finished but it was nice to be on hand to see how it was done and ask questions when needed. 

About Karen Teig

I am a 58 year old Native Minnesotan. I work as a Storekeeper at a local hospital here in town. I have been sober since April 18, 1982 and have not smoked since September 8, 2005. I am a Born Again Christian who loves Jesus and am grateful for each day I wake up. I have found that even in the hard times, like after my husband's suicide that I can still find things to be grateful for, even if they are little things. God always has my back.

2 thoughts on “Thursday, July 6, and Friday July 7, 2017

  1. Hi Karen,
    Sounds of the builders…music to your ears…it will be so wonderful when it’s all finished!
    Smiles, Jean

  2. I would not like to go to the portajon in the moonlight. Time to buy a chamberpot!
    Last home project cost more and we were able to make payments. Doesn’t hurt to ask>

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