
Just finished sorting,folding,keep or donate , the entire linen closet of my mother in law Audrey (she’s 87 now). Sheets, pillowcases, curtains of all kinds and colors. As my husband shuts down the old house so that it can be sold, certain thoughts come to mind. Grateful for a family by marriage that was always loving and supportive of the young couple……grateful for spaghetti dinner and the best meatballs ever made….grateful for Christmases spent at Grandma’s that were all about the kids….Grateful for her acceptance of my night shift life and the naps I would sometimes take during visits….Grateful for the occasional money that would secretly change hands during visits…Grateful for leftovers sent home that meant a meal that a tired working mom did not have to make…Grateful for the grandparents that they became…. Grateful for the memories of her rooting for her favorite SF49’rs. The sight, feel and smells of those linens brought so many memories and they are good. Amen

3 thoughts on “Generations

  1. Love the concept of the list of tribute to Gary’s Mom. We would always visit Hubby’s Mom at dinner time knowing she would invite us to stay. We thought we outsmarted her but how did she always have enough to feed us?

  2. Your list, Barb, had me nodding over and over. What a tender and sweet tribute to your mother-in-law. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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