Monthly Archives: September 2017

Day 6…On Top of The World.

I would like to recollect three instances in my life when I felt on top of the world and give thanks for those times..

  1. That time I got through an  audition and voice test and was selected as a compere for the local radio. I was in my late teens but was so overwhelmed with joy and excitement that I was jumping around the house like a bunny..much to the amusement of my parents! Oddly enough being accepted at the university simultaneously didn’t bring the same amount of joy! I am so very very grateful for that moment and the thrill of  being able to host a local radio show! Thank you soooo much!!!
  2. The time I first started running and realised how much I had under estimated myself! It was such an elated feeling the first time I ran with people my own age and understood I  could far out beat many of them. Indeed this was a revelation as all my life I have been  used to undermining myself and my heart swelled with pride and happiness as the others heaped very very happy and grateful for that joyful moment !

Last night when I was listening to a recording of  some feedback my course facilitator had given me. I initially did not take it seriously when she kept repeating the word ‘excellent’ many times. I needed to go back to my assignment and compare it with the others ‘ assignments in order for me to understand and accept that my work really was excellent! What a revealation! Feeling on top of the world and so very very grateful for that moment. Thank you!!

I would like to thank my body…

Thank you dear body for the impeccable sense of smell which allows me to enjoy all the sweet and lovely fragrances around me from the beautiful jasmines to amazing food.

Thank you for my eyes which make my life worth living for all the beautiful sights I enjoy each day like the green neem tree outside my window swaying to the gentle breeze..

Thank you for the amazing ability to has given me countless hours of enjoyment in tasting delectable and delicious food.

Thank you for my ability to’s given me the pleasure of listening to beautiful and uplifting music and the ability to listen to and understand my people..

Thank you for an awesome voice..because I love listening to my voice and loosing myself in my singing! Thank you!


Day 5…going strong…

There is Gold in every relationship, even in difficult ones…

I’m grateful to have S in my life…

  1. because he takes  care of all my financial needs in every possible way…
  2. for not imposing his wishes and views on  me no matter how badly he feels otherwise..
  3. for pushing me to do things  beyond my comfort zone ( I wouldn’t have grown so much if he hadn’t!)
  4. For not standing in my way when I said I want to focus on building a career.
  5. grateful for the fun and laughter and the good times we share…
  6. the numerous holidays and fun trips
  7. for introducing a whole new world of amazing  friends after I got married..
  8. for teaching me to be caring and considerate towards others around me and looking out for them..
  9. for the two amazing children I treasure more than anyone in this world..
  10. for being a fan of my cooking inspite  of the food I put on the table :)
  • Today I’m feeling so so grateful that I finally started back  work to complete my course. So grateful for the inspiration and motivation being provided by the new group. Thank you!
  • grateful for being able to connect with my  course facilitator , because the chat we had helped boost my confidence and gave me a sense of direction.
  • Grateful for listening to  the old  recording  when I was coaching someone. so grateful for the feedback I got from my course facilitator… ” excellent”  gave me a sense of pride and  elation..dang! am I that good?! :)

I am so very very grateful for the old recording because it gave me much needed confidence, in myself,  as I listened with disbelief to my own work!

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!





Safe and secure

I have a car.I have a home. I have a bed. I have time to rest.

I have food in the refrigerator. I know what we can eat tonight.

I have people who are part of my  life. The dust is settling. I have a plan.

Finding my way whether it is behind the wheel of the van or on a personal level.

Time to organize my thoughts. Encouraging people to organize theirs.

P.U.S. H. Pray until something happens.

There is tragedy associated with Irma but people are giving generously.  Cousin’s grandson lost his pet pig when a branch fell on it. Poor pig!

The sun is shining! Fall is beginning to etch the trees.

Counting my blessings always!

Positive exhaustion

A power nap.

Making seven lasangas . Pans in a row -add each thing- laughter at each step. Add two  frozen ones and a frozen mac.n.cheese and the three ovens were humming.

Barb is so good at keeping us on track. Delivery to Battered Woman’s Shelter at 4:31.

Hubby arranging and rearranging the things in the oven.

The smell of eight loaves of garlic bread baking.

Thank you Ann for the desserts, The 911 decorations were a nice touch.

Luigi’s is a landmark restaurant in Akron. Yummy Italian  food. That was a wonderful meatball! Salad of impossible size.

Meetings at Church. Making plans for interesting worship. Then a meeting to review what’s happened and our plans for the future. Problem solving forum but things are running smoothly. (Prayers it will remain so.)

The Ah! moment as you stretch out on the couch feeling well done!

The miracle that a $100 donation fed 60-70 women, 13 people in the homeless shelter and 40-50 people at Church next Sunday.


Three things I’m grateful for…

I’m grateful for the health (and patience) of my companion animals. So many are here for only a year or less, but each teaches me new lessons on how to love what we have while we have it, and how to accept letting go of what is not ours to keep. My little ones have many daily treatments, and I’m thankful that they love me despite them. These animals are my world, and they’ve taught me to appreciate the difference between a hard day and a truly bad day.

I’m thankful for the bright side of anxiety – how it forces us to examine what isn’t working in our lives, and prompts us to make positive changes each day to keep improving. I no longer beat myself up over baby steps in the right direction. I may not always hit the mark, but at least I’m aware of when I miss it.

I’m thankful for a wonderful new blog to follow. It’s nice to have daily reminders of things to be grateful for, especially during times when I’m not feeling all that grateful myself. Sometimes we just need to see the world through a different set of eyes.

Thank you for welcoming me to your group. :)


Day 3…beginning to feel the Magic…

I’m so very grateful…for the comment by MaryEllenNeitz!

..Reminded me of my Gratitude practice during an exceptionally busy day…

..encouraged me to come to this page to declare my gratitude..because she said she was looking forward to my next list :)

Thank you! Thank you!!

So grateful for the wonderful time at the Landmark Seminar because…

I left the place feeling so inspired to take action..

Felt confident and safe that I was in good hands..

was touched by the commitment and dedication shown by the seminar leader and his team..

absolutely loved the new friends and the inside jokes we shared..

am feeling positive I will achieve the goals I set out to reach..

So happy and grateful to be writing my gratitude journal today because...

I’m proud that I didn’t break the chain by skipping a day..

I feel I’m just getting the hang of this gratitude thing  :)

I managed to steal some time for myself while everyone is sleeping..

I can already begin to feel the magic of Gratitude working .. ( day 3)

A fantastic and awesome end to a  busy day!

Thank you!!!






Grateful for all and everything

Stayed the night at the homeless shelter our Church serves. Humbling and impressive.Hopeful people who are starting over. Would I be so upbeat?

Other host is Gary. He is helpful and kind. Sounds funny to say I will spend the night with him Tuesday too.

One family riding the van. Time to go! Two school drop offs. Then trying to get back to the Center with construction everywhere.

Meeting with Barb to make,bake and take lasangas to the Battered Woman’s shelter. She is radiant and fun to work with.

Hubby is making a couple of lasangas for Community  meal at Church next Sunday. Grateful to be working along side him.

Fruitflies. Grateful that everyone has a way to get rid of them.They are winning. I’ll bet they’ll be glad when they are gone.

Cool days that feel so good. Jackets and socks. Deep sleep.

Indian summer is coming. I have Fall and Summer clothes. My bounty is amazing.


Back Door

Sometimes Gratitude sneaks in the back door, like a teenager 20 minutes past curfew that doesn’t want Mom to know. Over night I had a intestinal bug, i was up half the night doing you know what. Woke up this morning weak, slightly nauseated and this old body still complaining. I decide to stay home from Church, and I had things to do this morning do i did not feel good about it. But as I slowly have come to feel better, I realize that being home by has allowed me to prepare and rearrange for next weeks responsibilities. Calm myself and focus. It Sometimes unexpected things happen, and in this case I’m grateful for my illness. Amen