Monthly Archives: September 2017

New here & thankful for that

Hello, I’m Kae. Thank you for sharing this space with me! I’m grateful for my mom who introduced me to this website, for my husband who supports me day in and day out, and for weekends that give us a bit of rest & relaxation before another busy week. Sending good vibes, peace, & wellness to you all.

Day 2..feeling great!

  • The amazing videos on Gratitude! ( link below to one)
  • Breakfast out with the family and the jokes and laughs shared
  • loving this wonderful feeling of elation and excitement gratitude seems to bring!
  • watching the movie with my son and catching him stealing looks at me to see if I’m laughing at all the places he is :)
  • Hugs  with my daughter and as she insists that I don’t praise or acknowledge her enough..we laugh together..
  • that look of relief on my husbands face as he realises that I’m not going to carry on the fight we had yesterday..surprised to see a bubbly me this’s a new day!
  • The delicious food left over from yesterday which we all relish and enjoy at lunch!

Gratitudes, September 3-9, 2017

  1. Sun Sep 3, good meeting, found misplaced keys (thank God!), good meals, progress at work, conversations with family, refreshing swim, helpful info on internet.
  2. Mon Sep 4, well rested, conversation with good friend, productive household organizing, helpful info and music from internet, good meals.
  3. Tue Sep 5, helpful conversations with others, progress at work, gift from a friend, good meals.
  4. Wed Sep 6, early to work, good presentation, helpful conversations, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, pleasant walk home.
  5. Thu Sep 7, progress at work, pleasant walks to and from work, helpful conversations, good meals.
  6. Fri Sep 8, good walks to and from work, progress at work, good meals, helpful conversations with co-workers.
  7. Sat Sep 9, well rested, productive tasks at home, productive shopping trip, friendly people at gas station and retail stores, good swim, good meals, insights.

Grateful for this first post..

So thankful for the 30 day Gratitude challenge that’s come my way!

For the hot cup of coffee over which I’m typing this..

My two kids in the other rooms who I love dearly..

Laughter and conversation I shared today with unexpected visitors..

Grateful for being able to give support to someone who needed it..

The visit to the beautiful Buddha temple..just quiet  and peace..

For the quiet time in front of the Buddha…the tears, letting go of the pain and  sorrow..

grateful for  the wonderful  freedom I felt after letting go..

For being able to speak up in the group and allow myself to be “seen”

The steps I’ve finally started taking in creating the life I want..

The extra help I got with the dishes ..

The delicious meal I cooked for lunch..

For Keith and his  wonderful posts and  his fantastic site that keeps me going..

For the beautiful video on gratitude…

For finally kick starting my Gratitude practice!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!



What a day!

A roller coaster day where you hold on through twists and turns and try not to scream. So grateful to have Hubby and a select few to talk to.

They are preparing for a hurricane in  Florida. I am preparing for a hurricane here. The secret is in being ready and anticipating the direction it might take.

The strength to be brave, The power of silence. Self forgiveness at falling short.

Grateful for empathy. Grateful for solidarity. Grateful for us!

Grateful to have a job to go to. She wouldn’t even have to pay me.(But I’m glad she will!)

Lightening up. Let’s think about 24 mums planted at  the Church. Little yellow flowers grow big and tall.

Sugar-free Klondike bars. It was a double bar kind of day!

Singing with the choir. Encouraging each other. Teasing and laughing. Singing a song I love Sunday. He is the Rock.

Gson’s birthday today. Ten years old! Hoping to talk with him later. I can’t imagine life without him.

Deep breath. Smile. Proceed with caution.



24 hours worth of gratitude

Imagine my gratitude meter started at bedtime last night.

I read my chapters for the study at retreat.

I am grateful for deep sleep in a cool room beside a snoring Hubby with cats standing sentry.

Awakening at 6 a.m. I can check my emails and Facebook. I order something from a new site.Back to sleep. Under the blanket.  Safe and secure. Child-like sleep.

I awake thinking I’ve slept till Saturday. Horrific! Tomorrow is Gson’s Bday. Glad I can still call him. Whew!

Making plans for the day. I will drop things off for Humble, Texas.Prayers that Florida is spared.

Going to Church. I can’t say enough about our secretary Kathy. She is a saint. She will be helping me write a letter. (She doesn’t know it yet!)Making copies. I’m old enough to remember carbon paper and mimeograph machines.

Thank you Acme for putting the spaghetti sauce and lasanga noodles on sale when we have to make 4 pans of lasanga Monday.

I promised when  it was cooler I would start walking so add a walk in.

Choir tonight. Bless Scott for stepping in till new director is found. Glad Jessica is coming back.

TV time with hubby. We are watching AGT (America’s Got Talent) and are cheering on our favorites.

Back to bed. A good book. A sweet look around. Good  night!



When faced with challenges, I am grateful. Grateful that I can be mostly successful. Grateful people give me room to try. Challenges make us grow, make us stretch, make us try harder. Make us improve. Lots of challenges lately. Grateful I have friends around me to help.

The first six people I met today on WLG

Very Grateful for
God’s community ties, including online

Karen’s resiliency and courage (9-6)
MaryEllen’s metaphor for mindfulness: “hit the backspace key” the innovative idea she shared of city’s adopting other cities after Hurricane Harvey (9-6)
Garrett’s connection of “sunbeams and support beams” (9-6)
Karen’s reminder that “God is Good”
MaryEllen’s advice that applies to me too: “Baby steps. Caution. Proceed (9-5)
Barb’s reflection of a lovely afternoon (9-4)

the emotion I feel when I learn from your lists on WLG

Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. —Sharon Salzberg


Thankful for the almost 25 years my husband I had together before he took his life three years ago on this date.

I have the day off to relax and spend time with my son later.

I got to talk with my mother-in-law last night. She said she would be think of me today.

Having time off this week to celebrity birthday with loved ones.

Moving forward.








I’ve started and erased three times. Grateful for the backspace button.

Feeling anxious as Irma moves towards Florida. Grateful for evacuations. Grateful for advance warnings!

Proud of our city for adopting a sister city in Texas. Prayers for the people of Humble ,Texas.

Grateful for the people working on the retreat. We set the # of registrations at 32 and are at 34. Lol! Our mantra is we will make it work.

Watching Inside Out to remember the story for retreat. I love that movie!

Typing the schedule brings a sense of adventure and anticipation.

Goodbye morning glories, I loved you every morning.

Looking back at the Summer with a sigh. Looking to the Fall and its possibilities.

Homeless shelter next week. Grateful for this roof over my head. The concept of home and neighborhood.

Dropping out of the rotation. How do I word the letter? The faithful workers are tired. Grateful to be taking a break. God bless the work Family Promise does!

Setting goals personal and more grandiose. Discipline and control.