July 31, 2018

Grateful for:

  1. A beautiful day outside.
  2. Being able to celebrate my son’s birthday with family this evening.
  3. Dairy Queen cake and Papa Murphy’s Pizza tonight.
  4. The start of another month tomorrow.  Thanks God for letting me wake up another day and see another month.
  5. Sobriety and being nicotine free another day.
  6. A roof over my head.
  7. My pets.  They really are wonderful to wake up to.
  8. Time off but a job to go back to this coming Sunday.
  9. More time off after Sunday.
  10. A beautiful area to live in.
  11. My new neighbors and their dog.
  12. My neighbor across the court being able to do work on her house.
  13. My sister-in-law keeping in touch via messenger most days.
  14. Air conditioning.
  15. Jesus.

About Karen Teig

I am a 58 year old Native Minnesotan. I work as a Storekeeper at a local hospital here in town. I have been sober since April 18, 1982 and have not smoked since September 8, 2005. I am a Born Again Christian who loves Jesus and am grateful for each day I wake up. Life is really what I make of it, with few exceptions. God always has a plan.

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