Very Grateful for:
God’s reconciling work
elderberry tea
8,444 steps yesterday (I love that number too!)
a delicious recipe for chicken and peppers
reading with Dad
a long phone visit with a mentor
three sets of tennis in not so hot temperatures
Amelia’s continued safety
the men who fixed the front of the house
“Why do we always assume that the movements of God are toward speech and noise and activity? What God might really need from us is to settle in and shut up and listen.” ~Randy Harris in Soul Work, Confessions of a Part-time Monk
I love the quote. I love the note. Chicken and peppers sounds delish.
Hi MaryEllen~ Thank you for your kindness! I love your lists too! Here is the recipe for the Chicken and Peppers, if you would like it:
P.S.: I used chicken thighs instead of a whole chicken! So yummy… let me know if you prepare it!
Way to go on your steps! That is awesome!