The Art of Life

  1. The moment we turn towards gratitude and everything inside changes. As Mary Ellen said in her recent post,
  2. An incredible gift of a shocking situation last week- I have the ability to bounce back, to use it as a spring board, to go forward with more freedom and light- and lightness- instead of despondency
  3. Thanks to the incredible women who rallied around me, who sent and continue to send uplifting messages, who let me know they were there for me no matter what. Creative, Spiritual Women.
  4. And to God, who I turned the situation over to again and again, grateful for the ability to give it instead of control it
  5. For the resources that have come into my life, I am continuously supported by exactly what I need
  6. For Mary Ellen, who’s gratitude lists continue to delight and inspire me
  7. My daughters, who continually delight and inspire me to be a better person
  8. Technology and those who use it for good
  9.  Flowers
  10. “As wise women and men in every culture tell us: The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us.” -Gloria Steinem,  Revolution from Within



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