Important Days

Today is my last day of work before Christmas. I’m taking Deb a little present because she is generous to me.

A wise woman once figured out that what isn’t done by today can be skipped. Thank you for wisdom.

I see the sun rising over my shoulder. I love sunrises. A new day dawning.

Tomorrow is Carol’s birthday. She is such a bright spot in my life. Thank you my friend for your love of fun. Enjoy the culmination of your birthday season.

Christmas Eve service is so beautiful. I love the candle lighting. Families together. Hugs and love.

Christmas Day at my son’s. My daughter and Nicole. Hubby the ham cooker. These happy moments hold them very near.

Enjoy your Christmas however you acknowledge it!


About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

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