Thankful for Christmas Eve

We had our relatives over for Christmas Eve. Once again, my family and my wife’s family celebrated together. As usual, it was a nice time.

Now, they’ve gone home. My wife and I are exhausted from cooking, cleaning and hosting. However, was so worth it! It’s great having everyone with us. It was really nice that my brother in-law and his family drove up from North Carolina this Christmas. We don’t see them too often. It was nice that my uncle was released from the hospital yesterday and that he could make it. It was also a wonderful surprise that my niece could make it too! I’m thankful that we have each other along with a roof over our head and food to eat.

Our kids are asleep. It’s time to place the gifts from Santa Claus underneath the tree! I love the fact that they still believe in him. It’s so cute.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!



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