Thankful for a great 2019 and for the year to come

Here are some of the wonderful things that took place in my life during 2019:

1. I discovered the wonders of giving and feeling gratitude! This has changed my life. I discovered this wonderful website where I get to read your posts and share mine.

2. I’m grateful for having my family. My wife and kids, my mom, dad, brother and sister. I’m also grateful for having the most wonderful friends in the world and for having the chance to see so many of them during this past month.

4. My dad’s health. He was diagnosed with cancer back in October. I’m grateful that it was discovered before it had time to spread. I’m very happy that he is getting treatment and is putting a great effort into taking care of himself. I’m happy he has my mom to help and care for him. I’m also grateful to have wonderful siblings and that I’m not the only one going through this time alone.

4. Family time: I’m grateful that we can spend time together. I’m grateful we were able to go on vacations this year. We always have fun together and I’m looking forward to many more. I’m grateful we’ve spent this holiday season together here at home. Such a peaceful and fun time.

5. Job: I’m really grateful for having had a job in 2019. In addition to paying me a salary, it provided me with many challenges and allowed me to grow as a person, big time. I’m grateful that my boss decided to invest in me and help me develop as a leader. This really means a lot to me. I’m also really really grateful for landing my dream job working in sports analytics!

6. Business partner: I will write a separate post about this. However, I’m super thankful for having a wonderful business partner to help run my side business. He puts so much time into it. I’m also very thankful for the business itself and for having customers who love our service. The financial reward from running this business has allowed myself and my family to live very comfortably.

7. Toastmasters: I learned a lot about myself and about leadership while I was our club president. I’m really thankful for the opportunity along  with the help and guidance I received. I’m still glad to be a member and that I can participate in meetings again. It helps me grow personally. It’s also lots of fun because the club is full of amazing people!

Finally, I’m really grateful to be alive here in 2020. I look forward to this wonderful year to come and to many many more posts on this site!

Happy new year!


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