1. Goddess
2. Our Arboretum (Arb). Miles of pathways, hills, curves, trees and shrubs. There are tags identifying each species. I’d only been here once before moving to the city, and now it is my favorite place. To watch the passage of the seasons reflected in the foliage and leaves is something I eagerly anticipate.
3. I have some indoor plants too, which seemed to have survived, unlike the poor lamented bonsai and spider plant of old. One is rosemary, potted and ready to grow. Another is corn. I don’t know about the other two, but they get water and some sunlight, and appear to be doing OK.
4. The bookstore moved across town to my neighborhood! I will have to visit often. Sorry for the neighbors in the old location, although the new store is not far and will have twice the space.
5. Sisterhood
6. Acceptance

2 thoughts on “

  1. You make me eager to visit our arboretum called the Naturealm. It has a center where you can overlook the pond.
    I am death to house plants but I can grow succulents. They only need watered once a month.
    Our womens group invented a word for fellowship that is sheship. Fun to say!

    1. Thank you, Mary Ellen. Love to hear about your succulents and your women’s group. And wonderful words for Ben, your son!

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