Updates & Congrats!

  1. Congrats to Mary Ellen and her long and beautiful career. Enjoy retirement!
  2. Took some time to update the site today- please be aware that you won’t get an email now when someone comments on your posts- that plugin was old and causing a security issue
  3. Grateful that my family is healthy- we self-quarantined for a week thinking my husband may have had it but tested negative. Hooray!
  4. Doing extreme gratitude in my journal again- makes for a more memorable, savored day
  5. This beloved site has been such a balm to my heart over the years, thank you all for being here!
  6. Spending so much time outside in the fresh air, feeling the breeze, watching the daily interactions of the robins, bluebirds, cardinals and chickadees
  7. The honor of helping so many dear friends with their projects
  8. Hearing my daughters play music
  9. Open heart
  10. Quiet work time

One thought on “Updates & Congrats!

  1. Thanks Crystal! I discovered as I led Artist Way that I loved teaching. I’m going to structure writing time in to my day. There are ideas clamoring to be released.
    Welovegratitude has been a sounding board to me. SO glad Mark was well!

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