1. Goddess
  2. Picking up clothes at the cleaners to store for winter. The proprietor was very helpful.
  3. Getting a chai latte at my favorite coffee shop, Espresso Yourself.
  4. Not finding a seat, I walked outside and went to the bench by the crosswalk. A white-haired woman was sitting there. We talked and it turned out we had many things in common.  Her name is Caroiyn G. We exchanged phone numbers.
  5. Finished my latte and went to the consignment store and dropped off two large garbage bags of outsized clothes.
  6. On my way out on a walk, I ran into Maureen L. She said it was her birthday, and I gave her a big hug. She was on her way to her partner’s for birthday cake.
  7. Walk around Jamaica Pond.
  8. Made an omelet for dinner. Grateful for groceries and basic cooking skills and a dishwasher.
  9. Talked with my mother on the phone.  She had a busy day with the realtor and errands and took the afternoon to relax and read.
  10. Worked on questions from the Artist’s Way.
  11. Went to my church where there was a meeting, and spoke at the meeting, and the business meeting afterward, and picked up a service position. Grateful that there is a meeting so close to me.
  12. Got on the online meeting, caught the tail end of it, and then the after meeting, Spoke about the meeting I went to, and then on the topic, I spoke about assuming things, which is a weakness of mine, and something I’m trying to work on. Grateful for the help I receive daily.

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