All posts by Happy Blessings

Thank You God for August 5, 2015!

  1. God saving me from my mistakes and blessing me abundantly!
  2. The organic and non-GMO corn I got from the farmer’s market yesterday is soooooooo sweet!
  3. Shrimp!
  4. Listened to more amazing talks on audio CDs by Lighthouse Catholic Media! So inspiring!
  5. I made grilled cheese w/ham with the New Zealand cheddar cheese I got yesterday and it turned out nice and golden brown! :)
  6. Being able to cook for my parents, sister, and niece, and them appreciating the food
  7. The sense of humor that my new doctor has and that he is tech savvy!
  8. Reducing medication dosage!

Thank You God for August 1, 2015!

  1. Finding a baby corn inside one of the corn from the farmer’s market!
  2. Attended a wonderful appreciation luncheon with many brothers and sisters in Christ and fried chicken was served! Yay!
  3. Free underwear! God cares for my every need, even making sure I have enough underwear!
  4. God giving us an abundance of oranges and apples so that we could give to others!
  5. God blessing our garden this year with delicious green beans, scallions, and chives so that we wouldn’t have to buy them and can even share them with others!
  6. Egg rolls and congee!

Thank you God for July 28, 2015!

  1. Green vegetables
  2. Abundance harvest from our garden, so much that we can share with those who visit our home
  3. To be able to make donations to others in need
  4. The generosity of others
  5. The helpfulness of others
  6. The healing of the soul that comes when the body is ill
  7. Running into a church member whom I haven’t seen at church in awhile at the grocery store and finding out she’s been taking care of her mom full-time. Her mom is in the final stages of cancer and she cried when I told her I would pray every morning for her and her family. At that very moment, I just so happen to have books in the car that are supplements to the daily Mass readings and help the reader reflect on them in a deeper way, so I thought it was fitting to give it to her since she hasn’t had the opportunity to go to church. She was so grateful for the books and my prayers that she kept hugging me. Later on, I reflected on what just happened and I felt like it was a huge sign from God. I had been asking Him what He wanted me to do after I fully recover from illness. I think He is slowly revealing to me that He wants me to feed people’s spirits by giving them bibles and spiritual reading.