All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

Productive Days & Relaxing Nights

  1. new opportunities to do exciting things, two weeks into the new year
  2. my family, what a blessing they are
  3. catching up today  in a variety of way
  4. memories and moments and the emotions they bring
  5. remembering the good times
  6. my husband, some days marriage is “work” but there is no one I’d rather work with
  7. a warm home filled with warm hearts
  8. people who care about this, that and everything in general
  9. productive days and relaxing nights

A Cold Day in January!

  1. air so crispy and sharp that it takes your breath away,  it’s one day closer to spring (so let it be)
  2. sharing memories
  3. catching up with an old friend
  4. discovering new strengths
  5. lessons learned and the clarity they bring
  6. slowing down after endless days of busy
  7. family, I love them so
  8. the gift of another day

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

Sending my warmest wishes for a wonderful new year to all. Happy New Year!

  1. making it through another year, no matter what was happening
  2. saying goodbye to the old and celebrating the new
  3. releasing the old that no longer serves me and openly allowing space for the new
  4. bending for the better
  5. mistakes an missteps that turn into teachable moments
  6. quality time with loved ones
  7. family always, mine is the best
  8. moments and friends to share them with
  9. a beautiful life, thank you God

Monday Gratitude

  1. the warmth and comfort home
  2. genuinely kind and caring people
  3. music that is so beautiful it brings tears to  my eyes
  4. learning as I go,  may it never stop
  5. time. it’s such precious gift
  6. my husband and kids, they are the best part of me
  7. sharing my life with so many beautiful souls
  8. the beauty of our first snowfall
  9. warm pjs and socks on this cold night
  10. rest at the end of the day, sweet dreams

Grace-filled Days

  1. waking up, that in itself is a blessing
  2. an abundance of opportunities that guide me
  3. showing up for me
  4. the many little things in my life that are not so little
  5. those who have the strength to thrive in hard times without complaint
  6. the ability to think, reason and. remembering
  7. my family, they make my life richer
  8. the many amazing friends that always have my back
  9. my hubbies eye surgeries went well, were a success and the recovery was easier than  anticipated
  10. finding and focusing on the good in every day

Tonight I am grateful for…

  • traveling grace
  • home, it’s always great to to visit but coming home is always blissful
  • a beautiful Thanksgiving surrounded by those I love and those who love me
  • family
  • memories and moments with loved ones no longer with me, remembering they never really leave us
  • what left, what stayed and what’s on the way
  • blessings beyond measure
  • a  beautiful celebration yesterday of my husband’s 65th birthday
  • sunrise to sunset and every second in between

Musings on a Monday!

  • family, they are the best part of me
  • remembering today is a Monday and this too shall pass
  • lessons, blessings and the experience and wisdom that they bring
  • my partner, what a blessing it is to feel valued and loved
  • home, its where we are loved
  • friends that feel  like family
  • laughter, may I never go a day without it
  • patience with myself
  • forehead kisses
  • allowing time to do it’s thing
  • rest at the end of productive days

Tonight I am grateful for…

  • surviving a trying day
  • catching up in a myriad of ways even though my heart isn’t in it
  • time to reflect
  • exercising patience in an anger causing situation (knowing I will appreciate it later, although now not so much)
  • family always
  • recognizing my blessings even in the chaos
  • the knowledge that this is just a bad day not a bad life and simply  flowing with not fighting against

Another Manic Monday

  • the precious souls that share my journey
  • timing, it’s everything
  • asking for what I need
  • manicures that make you feel like a million bucks
  • freely given words of encouragement
  • family, first, last and always
  • friends that feel like  family
  • productive days, productive nights
  • rest at the end of the day