Gratefullness and Appreciation are Medicine

1. i am gratefull for learning at a young age the benefits of appreciating what i have in the moment

2. i am grateful for those and the lessons that have helped me reconnect with a deeper communion with contentment

3. i’m extremely grateful to have been born into my family, my my grandparents, and great grandmother have gifted me such a deep well for love and compassion, honesty and respect

4. i’m grateful to call Burnt Cabins PA my home… on, both, a major trainline and the turnpike centered in the appalacians…  it is the only stable root since my birth, and ever so beautiful…

5. i’m simply stunned, complexed, and amazed with the art of technology. it’s potential is both incredible and terrifying

6. the way we can dream, the middle lines where consciousness isn’t so encumbered within our body, allowing us to feel be ‘awake’ between life and death…

7. death, and it’s ever so present truths, teaching us our values, giving importance to our every action in this life, giving us hope that our struggles are not in vain, giving me faith that we are in a bigger job here than just this bodies day

8. this bodies day, the moments that we are here, we should follow our truest desires respectfully, to love and to be loved, there isn’t much more than that.. to love and be loved by the universe…. all actions according here to

9. children, and their insatiable lust for knowledge

10. to find the medicine that is the gracious breath of the current moment we are living… each time our inner eye remembers to see it, so shall our bodies relax into appreciation for the ever changing river of life

thank you belle for this church of sorts, thank you lucy anne, still to this day i credit you as my angel,.

One thought on “Gratefullness and Appreciation are Medicine

  1. Hi Jesse! Burnt Cabins, PA sounds like a beautiful place! Since I’m such a map person I went right away to my atlas but couldn’t find it in the map I have..which makes it an even more beautiful and desirable place to live!! Thank you for your wonderful expressions of gratitude and life!
    Blessings, Jean

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