Monthly Archives: August 2011


Listening to Madeleine P. sing in french.

-sitting down and resting.


-the kitties on my lap.

-teaching A. to knit.

-finding the candles and matches.

-my new job.

-my conversation with JoAnn…inspiring

-eating out a alone with no fear.

-reading for pleasure.


Respect the Song Gratitude

1. A lovely, perfect-weather walk with a friend
2. Talking about gratitude!
3. The way gratitude makes you so much more aware
4. And how it’s such a personal practice- no one can do your gratitude for you;)
5. Drawing
6. Dragonflies
7. Tracking data
8. Presence and paying attention
9. Paying attention to what you’re paying attention to
10. “Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing – if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail.” -Frank Sinatra

Sweet Rolls and Goodness

  1. Hopefulness
  2. Strong diva-friends who answer texts
  3. Linda’s sweet rolls
  4. This poem by Tara
  5. Amelia starting her first day of school again, but now as a student teacher
  6. a little ray of light pushing out from the clouds
  7. Contentment
  8. Finishing the last post in my eCourse
  9. Fittingly, it was on devotion
  10. God’s goodness
  11.  If things are feeling a bit overwhelming right now, ask yourself what simple thing you can do right in this moment that will help to ease the feeling of heaviness and bring some light into your day. An answer will appear. It always does when we truly listen. ~Alia in this post

Many Gratitudes

1.  Planes that do their job — going up, staying in the air, and coming down safely!  Hooray!

2.  Hotels that have free internet (not this one!)

3.  Having dinner with friends from around the country with enormous quantities of conversation.

4.  Sarah declaring — “There’s trying, and then there’s declaration!”

5.  Rita making buttons for Gina and me to hand out at our workshop — WRAP P.A.L.S. Peers Advocating Listening and Supporting- wow!

6.  Gina being greeted by 4 or 5 people as they came in the door with such jumping up and down enthusiasm!

7.  A funny waiter who brought me the best asparagus ever in the Universe!

8.  My new book, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin that I snatched up at the airport — right up my alley!

9.  Getting up early enough to write on and here, too!  Yippee!

10.  Looking forward to the first day at the National Association of Peer Specialists’ Conference and meeting lots of people at our book table.  Yippee!

Farm gratitude

1. God

2. Skimmilk Farm in New Hampshire

3. The generations of people who maintained it and continue to do so

4. John K.

5. The quiet

6. the lawn

7. Could spend all summer here

8. Michel and Bill came to visit, also Ralph the dachsund

9. Cassie and me working well together

10. Sitting in the shed with the breezes coming in


  1. Aug. 21, 1959, Hawaii became our 50th state! Aloha!
  2. Congratulations to our daughter and sil…today is their  29th wedding anniversary!
  3. Neighbor’s grandkids already in the pool early this morning
  4. Charlie, neighbor’s bunny rabbit..cute..really smart..playful
  5. Airing out blankets
  6. Wonderful warm sun, blue blue sky, scent of pine
  7. Prayer circle for the Texas drought.
  8. Citrus..fresh lemons, limes, oranges
  9. Lazy Sunday
  10. Happy Summer!

Cleaning Gratitude

1. Orange juice!
2. Cleaning Saturdays
3. The smell of a clean house
4. Straight, organized rows
5. Little systems that work
6. Routines
7. Intuition
8. A place for everything
9. Paying attention
10. “Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece.” -Nadia Boulanger

Ribbons and Wishes

Very grateful for:

  1. A way to stay calm during a potentially anxious weekend
  2. Little Mason jars to hang from ribbons in the big tree in the front yard
  3. Little solar light bulbs to place around the base of the tree
  4. Extra ribbons to drape down from the branches
  5. Tiny tea light candles
  6. Throw pillows for the recovered chairs
  7. A restful place in the dry grass
  8. Ruby, watching the whole project unfold
  9. Lighting a candle at dusk
  10. Gratitude is the art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture. ~Kak Sri


  1. A fun huge flea market today…
  2. …cars parked blocks and blocks away…
  3. …we got a spot right in front of the festivities
  4. Man in a BMW convertible…I said “cool beemer”…
  5. …he thanked me (I think his chest puffed out a bit LOL)
  6. …GPa said they’re “chick magnets” :)
  7. Met a friend we hadn’t seen for several years…he’s always traveling…going to Hawaii in Dec. and then he’ll have been in all 50 states…Fun!
  8. Gave an “aloha” greeting to another friend who was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a yellow lei
  9. A wonderful welcome call from a long-time friend
  10. More maps: Garrett’s New Hampshire on his list today!